Monday, December 17, 2012
A Birthday and a Colonoscopy, yay!
What do a Birthday and a colonoscopy have in common? Nothing, or atleast they shouldn't, specially when you are two. But for Atticus, he got a colonoscopy for his third birthday! Many of you know the story by now but for those friends and family who don't I will give you the update. For months, like 8 or 9 months, I noticed Gus had some bleeding. I mentioned it to our pediatrician who felt confident it was typical and something most kids do at some point. When I told her it wasn't going away she wanted me to try removing gluten from his diet. I was one hundred percent sure his problem was not a food allergy so I ignored her request and feeling a little frustrated with her, I went for a new route. Long story short, after a few doctors, a lot of headache and endless phone calls, I got him into a Pediatric Gastroenterologist Specialist at Primary Children's.
After an exam and some talking, his initial response to me was similar to that of the pediatrician which was, the bleeding was most likely due to constipation, hemorrhoids or fissures and I could tell he was about ready to send me home. So I told him more and expressed my concern and he finally asked if I felt like Gus needed a colonoscopy? Now obviously, a colonoscopy on a two year old is not ideal and the doctor expressed he rarely, if ever, had done one on someone so little but I couldn't leave what was my best possible source of help with no answers so I said yes, and five days later we went for it.
Atticus handled the process of cleansing before hand like a champ and it went better than I expected. Kids really are amazing. The things you think are going to be hard for them usually don't phase them, and then the insignificant, "cut their sandwich up wrong" type of situations are what make them come unglued! Ha. Anyhow, two days of laxatives, 30 hours of fasting and I was headed to the hospital with a tired, hungry confused little boy.
It was a long day at the hospital before they finally put him under and I really couldn't believe the strength and courage I saw in him. Gus has been potty trained since June but I was worried with all the cleansing medication this might throw him off. He never had one accident. He would say his belly hurt and run to the potty over and over, but never had an accident. He was trying so hard to be pleasant and obedient still even though he had no clue why on earth I was doing this to him. When they tried to take his clothes off and put on scrubs he finally lost it and broke down saying he WAS NOT going to sleep there! They gave him a sedative which calmed him down and the anesthesiologist came out with bubbles and a flashlight to distract him and take him from my arms. (Can I just say, that hospital is amazing and the staff have the science of distraction down! What a blessing to have that facility.)
An hour later, the doctor came out with pictures of the procedure and there it was. In the last 30 seconds of the ten minute colonoscopy, he found a polyp growing in his colon. It was a good size and had obviously been there for a fair amount of time. They were able to do a polypectomy right then and there to remove it and they sent us home telling us they would do a biopsy on the growth to make sure it wasn't malignant and let us know later that week.
It was a long week. I didn't sleep.
Even though I felt at peace and the doctor felt confident it wouldn't be cancerous, he followed that statement up with, "But you just really never know till a biopsy is done."
Thankfully by Friday we got the call that it came back benign and he should be free and clear with no more problems! So it was time to party! Literally. Thursday was his birthday so we took him swimming but Friday, once we heard good news and could relax, his grandparents all came and his Aunt Jane and we had a great three year old pirate party!
It felt very appropriate to celebrate his little three years of life on the day we got good news. I feel beyond blessed. I felt like the Lord opened the doors I needed to get him seen by the people he needed to. Two days before the colonoscopy I was feeling guilty and worried that I was about to put him through something pretty dramatic for nothing. I had a lot of people telling me their kids had similar type problems and it went away. But the Lord blessed me with the wisdom to move forward with it and I am so, so glad now we did.
I have never felt that much love for both of my children as I did in those five days of waiting to hear back on the lab results. I couldn't hold them, kiss them or love them enough.
My heart is different from this experience. I got a small taste of how it might feel to watch a child suffer from illness, and fear losing them. I am grateful it didn't turn into anything that serious. And I don't know how people go through such challenges but if you are or have, you are amazing and the Lord is surely mindful of you.
Soooo....Happy Birthday Atticus! We love you, oh so much. You and your sister are the light of our lives and I already know your little soul is so much stronger and mightier than mine. But I am grateful you are ours to raise! xoxo
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Lucy Jane Crowther
Lucy Jane born April 5th...

all 6lbs 15 oz 18 in. long.
There is nothing like bringing a baby into the world, or witnessing a baby being brought into the world. I don't care how or where you do it. It doesn't matter if it is in a hospital or in a shack, with medications or without. It always has been and always will be sacred. The second that baby is delivered and their first little cry fills the air, the only possible reaction is to cry along with them. Overwhelming tears of reaffirmation that God is good.
My day-old child lay in my arms.
With my lips against her ear
I whisper strongly, "How I wish-
I wish that you could hear;
"I've a hundred wonderful things to say
(A tiny cough and a nod)
Hurry, hurry, hurry and grow
So I can tell you about God."
My day-old baby's mouth was still
And my words only tickled her ear.
But a kind of light passed through her eyes,
And I saw this thought appear:
"How I wish I had a voice and words;
I've a hundred things to say.
Before I forget I'd tell you of God
I left Him yesterday."
-Carol Lynn Pearson, Beginnings

all 6lbs 15 oz 18 in. long.
There is nothing like bringing a baby into the world, or witnessing a baby being brought into the world. I don't care how or where you do it. It doesn't matter if it is in a hospital or in a shack, with medications or without. It always has been and always will be sacred. The second that baby is delivered and their first little cry fills the air, the only possible reaction is to cry along with them. Overwhelming tears of reaffirmation that God is good.
My day-old child lay in my arms.
With my lips against her ear
I whisper strongly, "How I wish-
I wish that you could hear;
"I've a hundred wonderful things to say
(A tiny cough and a nod)
Hurry, hurry, hurry and grow
So I can tell you about God."
My day-old baby's mouth was still
And my words only tickled her ear.
But a kind of light passed through her eyes,
And I saw this thought appear:
"How I wish I had a voice and words;
I've a hundred things to say.
Before I forget I'd tell you of God
I left Him yesterday."
-Carol Lynn Pearson, Beginnings
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
A Man's Man
So it all started with growing a beard about a month ago. Actually, it all started with a lucky (expensive) permit.
Then came the beard. And lots of anticipation and preperation for....the big limited entry elk hunt!
Let's be honest, me trying to give the long, exciting details of Todd's hunt would be like Todd trying to give the long, exciting details of childbirth. Completely unnatural and inconceivable. So the short of it from me is....
They had the adventure of a life time.
A true "man's man" experience!(Complete with a discovery that lead to a police investigation over a case that has been unknown for years! Seriously!)

Thanks to the guys who went to help him out and an even bigger shout out to the wives that shared their men!
Then came the beard. And lots of anticipation and preperation for....the big limited entry elk hunt!
Let's be honest, me trying to give the long, exciting details of Todd's hunt would be like Todd trying to give the long, exciting details of childbirth. Completely unnatural and inconceivable. So the short of it from me is....
They had the adventure of a life time.
A true "man's man" experience!(Complete with a discovery that lead to a police investigation over a case that has been unknown for years! Seriously!)
Thanks to the guys who went to help him out and an even bigger shout out to the wives that shared their men!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Summertime and the living is easy...
Unless, that is, you have been so busy it has nearly come and gone and you don't remember what you did! That is about what our summer has been. A whirlwind. We started early on with some serious landscaping, which involved an entire sprinkler system (nice work uncle Vic!), lots and lots of raking and rock picking up, putting in borders, moving around top soil and hydroseeding. Pray for our nearly half acre lawn that by next spring it will look like a lawn, not a field!
We have fit in a few vacations, but not as much as we would like. My highlight was D.C. as mentioned earlier. Beyond the usual tour of our Nation's capitol, my new must see is Monticello. You won't be disappointed!
Atticus has become a little boy this summer! I absolutely love this stage. It is beyond busy and exhausting but oh. so. cute.
We did find the time to hike the Oakley trail. It is kind of fun to see your hometown from above. Atticus enjoyed the ride. And he was thrilled to see that grandpa found a jellybean growing in his ear.
This picture was early June and he has grown so much since!
Our baby boy is seriously transforming into a little boy. He speaks in nearly full sentences now which is so weird to me! I love it when he catches me off guard. Like when I sneeze and hear a little, "Bless you mama" from the other room. He is so full of life and has such a sweet, curious, happy disposition.
We have fit in a few vacations, but not as much as we would like. My highlight was D.C. as mentioned earlier. Beyond the usual tour of our Nation's capitol, my new must see is Monticello. You won't be disappointed!
Atticus has become a little boy this summer! I absolutely love this stage. It is beyond busy and exhausting but oh. so. cute.
We did find the time to hike the Oakley trail. It is kind of fun to see your hometown from above. Atticus enjoyed the ride. And he was thrilled to see that grandpa found a jellybean growing in his ear.
This picture was early June and he has grown so much since!
Our baby boy is seriously transforming into a little boy. He speaks in nearly full sentences now which is so weird to me! I love it when he catches me off guard. Like when I sneeze and hear a little, "Bless you mama" from the other room. He is so full of life and has such a sweet, curious, happy disposition.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Leavin' on a Jet Plane...
Just a few more days and I will be visiting here...

To see her...

Feeling free like this...

Free because I will not have a diaper bag hanging on me and free because nothing reminds me of the liberties I enjoy every day like a trip to our Nation's Capitol! That is right. I am leaving Todd with Atticus. I guess I should say I am leaving Atticus with Todd. Otherwise, it sounds like Atticus is the one in charge. Either way, it feels strange to be leaving my boys but I can't wait to see my sister and visit one of my most favorite places on earth. We live in an amazing country!!

To see her...

Feeling free like this...

Free because I will not have a diaper bag hanging on me and free because nothing reminds me of the liberties I enjoy every day like a trip to our Nation's Capitol! That is right. I am leaving Todd with Atticus. I guess I should say I am leaving Atticus with Todd. Otherwise, it sounds like Atticus is the one in charge. Either way, it feels strange to be leaving my boys but I can't wait to see my sister and visit one of my most favorite places on earth. We live in an amazing country!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Words I wish he didn't know...
Every now and then, life throws a curve ball. Sometimes it is to keep it exciting, sometimes to learn a lesson, sometimes to wake us up, sometimes for reasons unkown. Last Thursday we had one thrown at us, and I feel it was for lesson(s) to be learned.
Lessons I learned:
There is a first for everything, so be prepared. He had never climbed onto the counter before, so I turned my back to a hot stove.
Nothing in the world is as important as he is. Slow down, stop trying to do it all. Distraction is deadly with a toddler.
Watching your child in real pain is nearly unbareable. Enough said.
Don't wait for a scare to renew your deep gratitude for what you hold dear. The thoughts of how bad it could have been make me sick.
Accidents do happen, forgive yourself All the love in the world doesn't ban heartache from and then.
Lessons he learned:
The real meaning of hot. Luckily the stove had been off for a few minutes, or this lesson may have been a little too harsh.
The words "burn" and "bubble ouchy" (blisters).
I am grateful for prayer. I am grateful for Priesthood holders. I am grateful it wasn't worse. I am grateful he is on the mend.
I promised myself when I started this blog it would be real. Not for show, not to impress. Well, here is real life as a mom. And this mom is grateful for the lessons we learned.
Lessons I learned:
There is a first for everything, so be prepared. He had never climbed onto the counter before, so I turned my back to a hot stove.
Nothing in the world is as important as he is. Slow down, stop trying to do it all. Distraction is deadly with a toddler.
Watching your child in real pain is nearly unbareable. Enough said.
Don't wait for a scare to renew your deep gratitude for what you hold dear. The thoughts of how bad it could have been make me sick.
Accidents do happen, forgive yourself All the love in the world doesn't ban heartache from and then.
Lessons he learned:
The real meaning of hot. Luckily the stove had been off for a few minutes, or this lesson may have been a little too harsh.
The words "burn" and "bubble ouchy" (blisters).
I am grateful for prayer. I am grateful for Priesthood holders. I am grateful it wasn't worse. I am grateful he is on the mend.
I promised myself when I started this blog it would be real. Not for show, not to impress. Well, here is real life as a mom. And this mom is grateful for the lessons we learned.
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