This is my favorite time of year. I love feeling the chill in the air, which means I can wear sweaters and boots. (Or maybe just boots since my sweaters won't be fitting me!) I love the fall colors. They are the warmest, homiest (that word is for you Kate) colors. I love the produce, namely, peaches. And guess what I did...I bottled my own peaches last week. Eight jars to be exact, and next year I plan on atleat doubling that. I love the excitement in the air, because fall means Halloween, pumpkins, Thanksgiving, snow and then Christmas! Oh, and one more thing this year for us, a baby! I can't believe how fast it is going. I am 30 weeks now. I will try to post another picture soon, if I ever remember to charge my camera and actually take a picture. There is still so much to do, and so much going on. I have been so busy and stressed I have to remind myself to stop and enjoy my pregnancy and the little body inside of me moving around. Between working full time, remodeling our house, being 7 months pregnant and keeping up with all the other pressures of life, time just seems to be flying. It is all becoming very real now. Watching Autumn sneak in and change the fall leaves is like a small reminder to me daily of the major changes that are headed my way in life. Most days are a mix of excitement and anxiety but overall I can't wait for us to hold our baby and kiss him and bring him home. It will be the most memorable December of my life, I am sure. For now, I am grateful for the fall time and the calming feel it gives me. There is certainly a lot to stress about in life. Every one of us has our lot to carry, so stop and take a deep breath today and soak in fall. I promise it will make you feel better!