Sunday, March 2, 2008

It has been a while since anything has changed with our blog. That is partly due to the fact that Todd has been ridiculously busy with school, work and construction team and I am also busy with 22 credits this semester and work. Some good news is that Todd took 2nd place in Florida with the team of guys on his competition team. I don't want to explain what it was they did so just know he did very well. He also just accepted a job offer from BIG-D Construction in their custom home division, which is very exciting for us both. He already started his job and is loving it, which means we will probably move to Salt Lake this summer, yes! As for me, well, I am probably doing the same thing I was doing last time I saw you! I will be graduating this summer which is all I am focusing on right now. Life is wonderful though and we couldn't be more blessed with good friends and family as always.

1 comment:

lindsey said...

Love the update guys!! You two are looikin' good! Congratulations on the new Bid D construction job, what a stud! We miss you guys and wish we could hang out more:( Keep us updated we love to hear what's new in your life!