Hello loved ones! I guess it is time you get some details of the birth of our baby. If your not into details, skip ahead. (Don't worry, I won't get too detailed ;) The labor and delivery went perfect in some ways, and not so perfect in others. It all started just as I wished it would, but totally did not think it would happen. My water broke at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday the sixth. I woke up Todd and we headed to St. Marks Hospital in a snow storm, of course. We got to the hospital and I held off on getting an epidural until close to 11:00 a.m. because the nurses said it would slow contractions. Which it did. (* I have to make a disclaimer before you read this, specially if you have never had a baby. My experience with an epidural was not typical, so don't think that it is! I still think an epidural can make labor a much more enjoyable experience for most who choose that route. Ok, moving on.) Once I got my epidural, my contractions started spacing out so they put me on petocin. It didn't take too long for me to realize the epidural had some issues. My legs were getting very warm, tingly and finally completely numb, but unfortunately it was just my legs, which I became very aware of when the nurse my put catheter in. For about 4 hours, things were very miserable. The epidural was numbing my legs to the point where they literally could have chopped them off and I wouldn't have know it, but I could still feel most of the labor pains and the catheter, which they finally just removed because it was hurting so badly. I was starting to wish I didn't have the epidural because I couldn't even move positions or anything to try and relieve pain from the contractions. The nurse was mad at the anesthesiologist, and wanted him to re-do my epidural, but at this point I was feeling very ready to push. Only problem was, I couldn't even wiggle my toes. But we decided to go ahead and start pushing, the nurse holding one leg up and Todd the other. After two hours of pushing, and really not getting too far, the doctor (who ended up being a male on call doctor) decided to do an episiotomy. I was not happy about that, but he talked me into it when he gave me the other option of pushing for another 2 hours and most likely tearing anyway! So I agreed. Only problem was, I could feel it, of course! So he gave me some topical shots and did the episiodomy and our baby came within minutes. I can admit now the it was a good call on the doctor's part. Atticus was born at 6:15 p.m. Sunday night.
The entire experience is so unreal. The minute that baby is handed to you an unexplainable feeling takes over. I think it would be impossible not to cry!
Daddy gave him his first bath, I love how Todd is just staring at him adoringly.
Going Home
Sleeping with Daddy. I could not have done this without Todd, which is how every wife probably feels about her husband after delivering a baby. I can not imagine not having his support. He did as much as the nurses did, and renewed my energy when I needed it most. I love you Todd, and baby Atticus!
Wow what a labor story! I hope your healing well. Little Atticus is so cute! I can't wait to meet him.
Wow Annie. What an experience...no wonder you are so tired and sore. But Atticus is so adorable. I hope I can see and hold him during Kati's festivities on the 22nd! Congrats!
Wow, what an experience! Thanks for the details! We'll be praying for your recovery. Only a true Oakley Sorensen girl could get through that!
gee whiz!! I loved this story. Atticus is darling and I'm so glad you picked that name! It's so great and no one has it. :) He is so cute, and I must say, you look dang good for just going through labor!!! What a story. I'm proud of you, congratulations!!
Congrats on baby Atticus! He looks like a little doll. You will make a great mommy!
I'm so proud of you. What an ordeal. With Ensign I didn't want an epidural, but was over-due and experiencing heavy contractions for hours without dilating. I finally got the epidural but it caused my blood pressure to go so low I almost died. I could type a book right now about my experience, but will spare you and other readers. I'm happy Atticus is well and you are healing. You look great in your pictures. I hope I get to see you sometime soon. Again, congrats!
You guys, he is seriously so precious. I cannot wait to see him! Hope you can make it to dinner on Sunday!
You are superwoman! I'm sorry about the bad labor expereince, but am sooooo happy for you guys. Little Atticus is a doll. I can't wait to meet him in just a few weeks. I hope you are doing well and enoying this new experience. Love you guys!
Annie he is absolutely adorable. Now that I have had two kids and my third on the way, you are not the only one that has experienced the unexpected with epidurals and delivering. When I had my first boy, my epidural was not in where it was suppose to be and so it wasn't working when they turned up the pitocen and they had to come back and redo it. No matter what the experience is, you will do it all over again because your baby is so worth it. I so agree with you about having a wonderful husband to help you along the way! I am glad your baby is here and he is perfect. Nice job!!!
We are so happy for you guys. Let us know if there is anything the Patricks can do to help out if needed! Enjoy parenthood...see you there soon.
Congratulations you two. He is so incredibly handsome. Annie you are a trooper. I am so sorry how it happened but I am sure it all went away when you held him. He is perfect and Afton can't wait to meet him.
What a beautiful little one, Annie! And what a gal to get through it with no real pain meds. You could do it after all!! I sure am sorry how it turned out, but those uncomfortable memories will fade away as you fall deeper and deeper in love with Atticus. Can't wait for more pictures. Happy healing!
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